db2top Statements Screen

Today’s topic is the Statements screen. Unlike the Dynamic SQL screen, the Statements screen lets you see both dynamic and static statements and it groups them by the applications in which they run. As with […]

Do db2top High Watermarks Give Wrong Answers?

I’m going to interrupt the two-part description of the db2top Memory screen I started last Friday because I need to address something that’s been bothering me about db2top. Having worked on the DB2 for LUW […]

db2top Memory Screen (Part 1)

A well-tuned DB2 for LUW system strikes a careful balance among the various consumers of resources such as CPU, disk, and memory. Applications, utilities, and internal database processes all compete for limited memory resources. The […]

db2top Locks Screen

Today’s db2top screen is a very useful one for tracking down locking problems. You can use it to find lock waiters, lock holders and follow the chain from waiter to holder to diagnose the source […]