Now that I have concluded my posts on the data screens of db2top, I am creating a new page on the site for easy access to a table of contents listing all of the articles […]
Tag: db2
IBM DB2 data server product
db2top Skew Screen
In a DB2 for LUW database that makes use of the data partitioning feature available in the Infosphere Warehouse product, one of the new concerns a database administrator is faced with is skew among the […]
db2top Bottlenecks Screen (Part 2)
The db2top Bottlenecks screen lets us see who the biggest consumers of each resource are and how much of the resource they are consuming. These top consumers can often cause such resources to become bottlenecked, […]
db2top Bottlenecks Screen (Part 1)
A database workload performs at its best when resources are made available to it in all the right proportions. Having any one resource constrained too much and everything slows down. You can have more CPU […]