I saw the movie Inception over the weekend and after reading What a Programmer Sees When He Watches Inception, in which Marke Hallowell compared the dreams-within-dreams concept from the movie to a recursive function, I […]
Tag: db2
IBM DB2 data server product
Metaprogramming in SQL (Part 4)
In the past three posts, we have written metaprograms to create functions for comparing objects of built-in types, user-defined distinct types, ROW types, and ordinary ARRAY types. In today’s post, we will write a single […]
Metaprogramming in SQL (Part 3)
In the first post in this series, I introduced the concept of metaprogramming in SQL using dynamic SQL and applied the technique to write a procedure that could generate comparison functions that compare two objects […]
Metaprogramming in SQL (Part 2)
In the last post on this subject, we used dynamic SQL to generalize an integer comparison function into a stored procedure that builds comparison functions of any basic type. This served as a simple example, […]