In the first post on the db2top Memory screen, we examined the gauges and table that are visible at all screen sizes. We saw that we could differentiate between the various memory pools on the […]
IBM developerWorks blog “Yin meets yang” Interviews The K Guy
Yesterday, the IBM developerWorks blog Yin meets yang published an interview they did with me. You can read it here: Interview with Keith McDonald, DB2 Developer
Do db2top High Watermarks Give Wrong Answers?
I’m going to interrupt the two-part description of the db2top Memory screen I started last Friday because I need to address something that’s been bothering me about db2top. Having worked on the DB2 for LUW […]
db2top Memory Screen (Part 1)
A well-tuned DB2 for LUW system strikes a careful balance among the various consumers of resources such as CPU, disk, and memory. Applications, utilities, and internal database processes all compete for limited memory resources. The […]