db2top Agent Screen (Part 3)

Agent running in a set of gears

In part 3 of this series on the db2top Agent screen, we will see statement-level and application-level information displayed on the Agent screen for DB2 systems that use the Data Partitioning Feature (DPF). Among other things, these higher level aggregates can help you identify problems of low sort heap allocation at the application level or heavy sort heap usage at the individual statement level. They also let you observe not only what kind of statement is being processed (dynamic, static, non-SQL) but also what operation is being performed on the statement, such as whether it is being compiled or executed.

The top set of attributes are application-level attributes and are grouped into a variable number of columns, depending on the screen width, as shown below:

db2top Agent screen application attributes

Listing from left to right each of the 32 attributes above the "Dynamic statement" dividing line, they are:

Name Definition
ConnTime The date and time that the application started the connection request (appl_con_time).
UOW Start The date and time that the unit of work first required database resources (uow_start_time).
Appl name The name of the application running at the client, as known to the database or DB2® Connect™ server (appl_name).
DB2 user The authorization ID of the user who invoked the application that is being monitored (auth_id).
OS user The ID that the user specified when logging in to the operating system. This ID is distinct from auth_id, which the user specifies when connecting to the database (execution_id).
Agent id A system-wide unique ID for the application (agent_id).
Coord DBP In a multi-node system, the node number of the node where the application connected or attached to the instance (coord_node).
Coord id The engine dispatchable unit (EDU) identifier of the coordinator agent for the application (coord_agent_pid). Except on the Linux® operating system, the EDU ID is mapped to the thread ID. On the Linux operating system, the EDU ID is a DB2® generated unique identifier.
Client pid The process ID of the client application that made the connection to the database (client_pid).
Hash joins The total number of hash joins executed in the application (total_hash_joins).
Hash loops The total number of times in the application that a single partition of a hash join was larger than the available sort heap space (total_hash_loops).
HJoin ovf hash_join_overflows + hash_join_small_overflows
SQL Stmts The number of SQL SELECT, Data Definition Language (DDL), UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE statements that were executed in the application (select_sql_stmts + ddl_sql_stmts + uid_sql_stmts).
Sorts The total number of sorts in the application that have been executed (total_sorts).
Sort time The total elapsed time for all sorts in the application that have been executed (total_sort_time). This value is reported in milliseconds.
Sorts ovf The total number of sorts in the application that ran out of sort heap and may have required disk space for temporary storage (sort_overflows).
Rows Read The number of rows read from tables for the application (rows_read).
Rows Sel This is the number of rows that have been selected and returned to the application (rows_selected).
Read/Sel The average number of reads per row returned to the application (rows_read / rows_selected).
Rows Wrtn This is the number of rows changed (inserted, deleted or updated) in the table for the application (rows_written).
Rows Ins The number of row insertions attempted by the application (rows_inserted).
Rows Upd

This is the number of row updates attempted by the application (rows_updated).

Rows Del This is the number of row deletions attempted by the application (rows_deleted).
Locks held The number of locks currently held (locks_held).
Trans The total number of SQL COMMIT and SQL ROLLBACK statements that have been attempted by the application (commit_sql_stmts + rollback_sql_stmts).
Open Curs The number of local cursors currently open for this application, including those cursors counted by open_loc_curs_blk (open_loc_curs).
Rem Cursor The number of remote cursors currently open for this application, including those cursors counted by open_rem_curs_blk (open_rem_curs).
Memory The sum of the current sizes of the memory pools for the applications.

sum(pool_cur_size) where sum() is the sum across all applications

Dyn. SQL The number of dynamic SQL statements that were attempted by the application (dynamic_sql_stmts).
Static SQL The number of static SQL statements that were attempted (static_sql_stmts).
Cpu Time The total system and user CPU time (in seconds and microseconds) used by database manager agent process (agent_usr_cpu_time + agent_sys_cpu_time).
AvgCpuStmt The average amount of CPU time consumed per SQL statement atttempted by the application.

(agent_usr_cpu_time + agent_sys_cpu_time) / (static_sql_stmts + dynamic_sql_stmts)

The dividing line shows the statement type (stmt_type) and the current operation of the statement (stmt_operation) in brackets:

db2top Agent screen statement type dividing line

Possible values for the statement type are:

  • Static statement
  • Dynamic statement
  • Non SQL stmt
  • Unknown

Possible values for the statement operation are:

  • Prepare
  • Execute
  • Execute Immediate
  • Open
  • Fetch
  • Close
  • Describe
  • Static Commit
  • Static Rollback
  • Free Locator
  • Prepare to Commit
  • Call stored proc
  • Select statement
  • Prep. and open
  • Prep. and exec
  • Compile
  • Set stmt
  • Runstats
  • Reorg
  • Rebind package
  • Redistribute
  • Get Tb Auth.
  • Get Adm Auth.
  • Unknown [x] where x is an operation constant from sqlmon.h

Below the dividing line, there is a second group of attributes, this time at the statement level:

db2top Agent screen statement attributes

There are 23 attributes in all and they are described below:

Name Definition
Start The time when the most recent statement operation started executing (stmt_start).
Stop The time when the most recent statement operation stopped executing (stmt_stop).
Cpu Time The total CPU time (in seconds and microseconds) used by the currently executing statement (stmt_usr_cpu_time + stmt_sys_cpu_time).
Elapse The elapsed execution time of the most recently completed statement (stmt_elapsed_time).
FetchCount The number of successful physical fetches (fetch_count).
Cost Est Estimated cost for a query, as determined by the SQL compiler (query_cost_estimate). This value is reported in timerons.
Card Est An estimate of the number of rows that will be returned by a query (query_card_estimate).
AgentTop The maximum number of agents that were used when executing the statement (agents_top),
SortTime The total elapsed time for all sorts that have been executed for the statement (total_sort_time). This value is reported in milliseconds.
SortOvf The total number of sorts that ran out of sort heap and may have required disk space for temporary storage (sort_overflows).
Sorts The total number of times that a set of data was sorted in order to process the statement operation (stmt_sorts).
Degree The degree of parallelism requested when the query was bound (degree_parallelism).
Agents Number of concurrent agents currently executing the statement (num_agents).
l_reads The number of pages that have been requested by the statement to be read from the buffer pool.

pool_data_l_reads + pool_index_l_reads + pool_temp_data_l_reads + pool_temp_index_l_reads

p_reads The number of pages requested by the statement that were physically read in from the table space containers.

+ pool_index_p_reads + pool_temp_data_p_reads + pool_temp_index_p_reads
DataReads The number of data pages that have been requested by the statement from the buffer pool (logical) for regular and large table spaces(pool_data_l_reads).

The number of index pages that have been requested by the statement from the buffer pool (logical) for regular and large table spaces (pool_index_l_reads).

TempReads The number of pages that have been requested by the statement from the buffer pool (logical) for temporary table spaces (pool_temp_data_l_reads + pool_temp_index_l_reads).
HitRatio The percentage of pages that have been requested by the statement from the buffer pool that did not require a physical read in from the table space containers.

100% – (pool_data_p_reads + pool_index_p_reads + pool_temp_data_p_reads + pool_temp_index_p_reads) / (pool_data_l_reads + pool_index_l_reads + pool_temp_data_l_reads + pool_temp_index_l_reads)

MaxDbpCpu The maximum CPU time for the statement at a single partition and the partition number of that partition.

max(sum(ss_sys_cpu_time + ss_usr_cpu_time)) where sum() is the sum across all subsections for the statement and max() chooses the maximum among all partitions.

IntRowsDel The number of rows deleted from the database as a result of internal activity (int_rows_deleted).
IntRowsUpd The number of rows updated from the database as a result of internal activity (int_rows_updated).
IntRowsIns The number of rows inserted from the database as a result of internal activity (int_rows_inserted).