I’m going to interrupt the two-part description of the db2top Memory screen I started last Friday because I need to address something that’s been bothering me about db2top. Having worked on the DB2 for LUW […]
Category: db2
db2top Memory Screen (Part 1)
A well-tuned DB2 for LUW system strikes a careful balance among the various consumers of resources such as CPU, disk, and memory. Applications, utilities, and internal database processes all compete for limited memory resources. The […]
db2top Locks Screen
Today’s db2top screen is a very useful one for tracking down locking problems. You can use it to find lock waiters, lock holders and follow the chain from waiter to holder to diagnose the source […]
db2top Dynamic SQL Screen
The first time I used db2top’s Dynamic SQL screen, I tried the ‘X’ key to switch to extended mode and had no idea what I had just done. Everything was reordered, hash values seemed to […]