db2top Sessions Screen (Part 2)

In the previous post on the Sessions screen, we looked at the gauges and table columns that make up the default screen. In today’s post, we will examine all the extra information that becomes available […]

db2top Sessions Screen (Part 1)

Today we will take our first detailed look at the Sessions screen. The sessions screen lets you view applications connected to the database and see what they’re doing and how many resources they are consuming.

db2top Database Screen (Part 2)

In the first post of this series on the db2top Database screen, we took a look at the gauges that make up the top part of the screen and saw the additional data about backups […]

db2top Database Screen (Part 1)

The first major screen of db2top that we will examine is the Database screen. This screen gives you the big picture view of your database. You can use this screen to see how busy your […]