HADR stands for High Availability Disaster Recovery. It is a technology that protects your database against data loss and allows it to be highly available even when you have a partial or complete site failure. […]
Author: Keith McDonald
db2top Utilities Screen
A critical aspect of maintaining a database is getting the most current data possible into it. In data warehouses, this need is often met with extract-transform-load (ETL) technologies. DB2 for LUW addresses the loading aspect […]
db2top Partitions Screen
Today’s post is about DB2 Data Partitioning Feature (available in Infosphere Warehouse) and how you can use db2top to monitor your partitions. In this post, you’ll see how to use the Partitions screen to watch […]
db2top Statements Screen
Today’s topic is the Statements screen. Unlike the Dynamic SQL screen, the Statements screen lets you see both dynamic and static statements and it groups them by the applications in which they run. As with […]